Watawat Kong Mahal - Filipino Folk Songs (Lyrics)

Watch and listen to Watawat Kong Mahal a Filipino Folk Song » This song is a Tagalog Nursery Rhyme for kids. Filipino Country Folk Songs  is now available at pinoyfolksongs.blogspot.com.

Watch the lyrics video music of Watawat Kong Mahal. 

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This folk song video above was uploaded by * * * * * * on YouTube.

Lyrics of Watawat Kong Mahal - Filipino Folk Song (Philippine Folk Songs)
Watawat kong mahal,
Kami ay iyong patnubayan,
Watawat kong maluwalhati
Ng Kalayaan, Kalayaan
For English translation of this song refer to the lyrics below:
Flag of our Mother Land,May you float o'er the sea and the strand!May you ever glorious be,The bright banner of Liberty.

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